Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Wind Down of My Decesion

So it is coming down to I need to pick what school I'm going to my senior year. I know it only one year. Its hard though and I hate making decisions, I like to make little ones like where to go to eat and stuff like this but not these kinds. I mean I will gain alot if I do go to WCA next year like I have a better chance of playing volleyball in a Christian college and will get a better christian education. I will also miss alot of things about New Hanover too, like my friends and teachers and my volleyball coach I think I will miss her most of all!! I know that its not like any of my friends at New Hanover are going to end up at a Christian college or anything, but their friends and I'm still going to miss them alot. So I'm pretty sure that I'm going to WCA, but I still not 100% sure. Its probably not that big of a decision but its big to me and its a hard one too. Please just keep me in your prayers and so that I will make a good decision. Thank you for your support too!!!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Job Hunting

Well... its here again, summer time. I love the summer time and everything like that, because it is so hard to find a summer job. I love working with kids as you know and there just aren't any daycare centers that hire kids under 18 even with experience. I just have one more year and I think that it will be a little easier to find a summer job but still not so sure. Well if y'all could just keep me in your prayers and I'm really hoping that i can find a summer job soon and quick. Today I must have gone a zillion places to get applications. I think that I went to about 6 daycare centers and filled out applications and then that's not even counting all the other places I went too. Well I'm very tired!!!!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008


So our soccer team won the CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!!!!!! It was sooooo exciting. Here are some pictures of the game and them getting there metals. It was so great!!! The second picture is the line up before the game the did it like a professional games start. The third picture is of Tim in goal playing keeper. The fourth picture is of Tim just received his gold metal and is very pleased. The last picture is of the whole team after they received there gold metals and they are #1. The first picture is of my 3 favorite brothers. Tim is my real brother and Nick and Luke are brothers and call me there sister and I love them so much.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A Big Decision

So here it comes agian everyone says there are big decesions in life and I have just come across another one. I am trying to decide if i should switch schools my senior year to go to My old Christian school. I have been going to the volleyball workouts and the coach wants me to play for her and I just cant decide if i want to give up all my friends at New Hanover to switch back there. The coach there said I'm good enough to play in college and that is like one of my life goals and its like a dream. I would do anything to play in college, but i guess I'm not going to see all my friends at New Hanover in college unless i go to a Christian College. Which I'm probably going to be going too. I dont want to go away to far from my home just to go to college but if i can play volleyball for this Christian College down in Florida i would be there in a second. I just dont know and alot of people are like you have a while until college, but i really dont cause my junior year went by alot quicker than i had expected it to go. I just want to go to a college where i can be close to family because in my life family is the closest thing to me!! Well i had to just get some of that off my chest and its a really hard decision because its going to affect my future in away. So if you guys could just keep me in your prayers and PLEASE give me so advice. I really would like a little help and will take any advice and think about it. Well thanks for just letting me blab.... lol that's what us women like to do.