Sunday, January 20, 2008


Friday my mother and I took my brother and his friend Caleb to the movies to see "The Pirates That Don't Do Anything." It was a veggie tales movie it was okay but is really for younger kids. I almost fell asleep during the movie but my brother Tim and Caleb loved the movie and thought it was so funny. Saturday I took Tim and Caleb to there basketball game and then took my brother out to lunch and that is always fun. After that I took Tim home to play with Caleb and Caleb's mom was out so I took Tim and Caleb to Wilson's its a big restaurant and has a really big arcade with tons of games so we went there to play games and then his mom and brothers came and met us there and we all played video games. It was a good day. I babysit Caleb, Matthew and Parker almost every weekend they are my favorite kids in the whole world and I love them to death. Sunday was an okay day we went to church this morning and then we came home and made dinner and then watched the football games and i love football but I went on some kind of bored streak today and I will admit I was crazy and I think it was just because I was so tired. Well Tuesday I start all my new classes which should be real fun haha. Hope everyone had a good weekend and let me know how y'all are doing by leaving a comment.